This bike
started off in life as a Kawasaki Z400 twin. I bought it as a pile of
assorted parts from different bikes in the back of a friend's shed. The
only parts that are original to the bike are the frame, engine and
front forks. There are parts from all the japanese manufacurers on the
bike now. Click on the pictures to see a larger image.
This bike was
basically complete but it had been outdoors for most of it's life and
was badly rusted. I had to replace a large section of the frame that
had simply rusted away.
This is my current
car. Believe it of not it is a production car!. It was made by Reliant,
a small UK based manufacturer more well known for their three-wheelers.
The main modification that I have done is to replace the abysmal 850cc
Reliant engine with a 1000cc Fiat Uno engine. As the Fiat engine was
designed for a front wheel drive car, the distributor projected out of
the back of the engine and fouled the bulkhead so I had to design and
build a mapped, distributorless ignition system. If you are interested
in making your own ignition system then mail me.